Monday, January 28, 2008

Elvis Costello - Il Sogno

Elvis Costello - Il Sogno

Country: unknown
Genre: Classical
Year: 2004

Track list:

  • Elvis Costello - Prelude.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Overture.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Puck One.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Court.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The State Of Affairs.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Mermia And Lysander.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Jealousy Of Helena.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Worker's Playtime.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Oberon And Titania.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Conpiracy of Oberon and Puck.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Slumber.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Puck Two.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Identity Parade.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Face Of Bottom.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Spark Of Love.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Tormentress.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Oberon Humbled.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Twisted - Entangled - Transform and Exchange.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Fairy And The Ass.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Sleep.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Bottom Awakes.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - Act Two: Lovers Arise.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Play.mp3
  • Elvis Costello - The Wedding.mp3

Download Elvis Costello - Il Sogno or try search. Another link: Elvis Costello - Il Sogno


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